We are committed to deepening our expertise in local grass types. Unlike others who focus solely on mowing, trimming bushes, or laying mulch, we specialize in understanding grass health and the unique needs of various grass species. This specialized knowledge sets us apart from typical lawn care services.
When grass is mowed correctly, it thrives in our region, often reducing the need for fertilizers. With proper cutting and watering practices, you can achieve a lush, green lawn that improves over time. Our refined techniques naturally enrich the soil with nitrogen, fostering a robust root system. Our deep understanding of Michigan’s grass types is evident in the quality of our work. We also provide recommendations for restoring and maintaining your lawn’s vitality, helping you achieve and sustain a beautiful, flourishing yard.
For your trees, bushes, shrubs, plants, and flowers, our expertise encompasses the following services:
We offer customizable service plans tailored to your specific needs and budget. Whether you require professional lawn cutting, power edging, spring or fall clean-ups, or a comprehensive lawn and landscape package, you can count on us for exceptional, detail-oriented results. Our commitment is to deliver high-quality service personally, without outsourcing any jobs.
Another key feature that sets us apart is our unique Scoop Mow and Snow Service. We’ve combined professional pet waste removal, expert lawn cutting, and snow removal into a premium service you won’t find elsewhere.
During the grass-cutting season, we handle pet waste removal on the same day as your lawn care, eliminating the need for you to coordinate with a separate provider. Our expertise in both lawn care and pet waste management goes beyond typical services. We are trained to assess your dog’s health through their waste, identifying a range of potential health issues, including diseases and digestive problems.
We encourage pet owners to explore our Pet Waste section and read our blogs on dog health. We are also experienced in identifying potential wildlife threats, such as coyotes that may be frequent visitors to your property. Our pet waste service is available year-round, including during winter months, keeping your yard clean and sanitary while deterring pests like rodents and disease-carrying insects.
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